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Common HVAC Problems To Detect Early


Summer is coming, which means warmer weather is on its way. While we’re all glad to get out of the cold, this does mean that your HVAC system, particularly your air conditioning, is probably going to get a lot more use in the coming days. More usage means more stress on your system, so it pays to take good care of it all season long. You don’t want to come home to an uncomfortably hot home because something has gone wrong and your air conditioner is no longer pumping cool air. Here’s a look at some of the common problems we’ve helped our customers with here at Comfort 360, and how you can try to detect them earlier.

Dirty Filters

After a long and cold winter, your HVAC system has probably been putting in some serious work. While it was circulating warm air throughout your house, it may have picked up some dust and other contaminants. Before you really start to put your air conditioner to work this year, check and see if you need a filter change. A dirty filter can cause your HVAC system to work harder than it should. This could mean higher electric bills and a shorter life for your unit. A dirty filter is an easy problem to spot early and fix, and this small effort could pay dividends later.

Water Leaks

An air conditioner that’s working hard is creating a lot of condensate. Normally, an HVAC system is ready to drain that water and properly dispose of it. If there’s a problem with your drain lines, that water might not drain properly. If you notice a water leak coming from your air conditioner, it’s a problem that you’ll want to fix right away. Not only is it an issue for your A/C, but it can also cause water damage elsewhere. That means mold and potentially expensive repairs, so you’ll want to take care of any water leaks quickly.

Low Refrigerant

If you’ve noticed that the air circulating through your home isn’t as cool as it should be, that could be a sign of low refrigerant levels. It pays to get this problem fixed early on, and we mean that literally. In this situation some people just turn down the thermostat, making the air conditioning unit work harder. If your refrigerant levels are low, that won’t help. Instead it will just cause your system to overexert itself and cost you more money. One of our air conditioner repair experts can help you out with any refrigerant issues you encounter.

Strange Noises

A strange noise could be indicative of a variety of problems. While all HVAC systems are going to make a little bit of noise from time to time, unfamiliar or particularly loud noises could be a cause for alarm. It could be a sign that a component is broken or malfunctioning. Letting that go for too long can lead to a more expensive issue later, so don’t ignore any strange noises you hear from your air conditioner this summer.
