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Spring Duct Cleaning with Comfort 360


Think the air you’re breathing inside your home is fresh? Think again.

With your house being closed up all winter long, dirt, allergens and other contaminants have been building up and are being cycled throughout your house, courtesy of your furnace and ductwork. Do you have any idea what’s in your ducts? Dirt, Dust mites, Pollen, Pet fur and potentially fungus and mold could be in your ducts. This is why you should consider duct cleaning from Comfort 360 Vancouver WA.

Duct Cleaning Procedure

Duct cleaning is really a simple procedure. All you really need to do is call the HVAC professionals at Comfort 360 Vancouver WA to schedule your duct cleaning.

Benefits of Duct Cleaning

In addition to cleaner indoor air, duct cleaning can also help improve the efficiency of your heating and cooling systems. Your HVAC systems have air filters to prevent contaminants from getting inside the heating or cooling unit. When ducts are dirty, these filters clog up quickly. Clogged filters keep air from getting to the furnace or air conditioner, and that makes the unit work harder.

If you’ve never had your ducts cleaned, you might notice a difference on your energy bill after duct cleaning. If you get your ducts cleaned regularly, you may not see significant savings on your energy bill, but you can be assured that you are helping to improve your indoor air quality.

Schedule Duct Cleaning Today!

Comfort 360 is ready to help you with your spring cleaning. Call us for a duct cleaning quote for your home or business or to schedule your duct cleaning service.
